09:36:55:466 \n
Here is a quick, fun, and self-indulgent story: I recently started studying for the GRE, and, upon skimming through the workbook, realized that I hadn’t taken a math class in almost nine years. Any confidence I had in my quantitative reasoning abilities quickly dissipated. I’ve since begun taking intro level high school math classes online because I literally have to start from scratch, so when I came upon\u00a0this viral math problem\u00a0that’s stumping the Internet, I thought, “Aha! A chance to test my 9th grade math abilities!”\n
File that one under “Famous last words.”\n
Here’s the deal: Researchers in Japan reportedly came across this deceptive number jumble after finding that only 60 percent of\u00a0people in their 20s who attempted to solve it\u00a0did so correctly. (Great, another thing Millennials have ruined \u2014 math.) It has since gone viral, as these things are wont to do, because apparently none of us have anything better to do with our time than to try (and usually fail) to solve weird brain teasers.\n